Oct 21st - We organized the American Legion Riders
"Freedom Ride" to benefit Berkshire County
June 23rd - We attended the POW/MIA vigil at the Agawam
American Legion, Post 185.
June 3rd - We were represented at the Jimmy's Ride,
in memory of Jimmy Bernardo, to benefit Berkshire County Kids
Place Inc.
May 26th - We organized a Blessing
of the Bikes at Saint Mary's Church in Pittsfield with
an open ride after the blessing.
We had riders in the Dalton Memorial Day
Parade and Ceremony, the Hinsdale Ceremony and Pittsfield's
May 12th - We attended the Williamstown
Dedication of the Veteran's Memorial where we represented
Post 155, District 1 and participated in the Color Guard.
We had riders in April on The Veteran's Breakout ride to
the Leeds Veteran's Hospital in Northampton from Post 168
in Pittsfield.
Our headquarters were welcomed at Post 155 this past winter.
In a few months we have organized our officers, formed our
constitution and pre-amble. We have stated our cause, adopted
our uniform and our theme song ("God Bless
the USA" by Lee Greenwood). Although we are few at present,
we have had a busy schedule of rides and events.
We are hopeful to grow in numbers over the summer. To better
our cause to support the Legion, Auxiliary and Sons, we are
open to requests for assistance of others rain or shine.
We very much appreciate this wonderful
home Post 155 and will always ride to honor her and our vets.
Forgotten -
A table set in honor and remembrance of all of the POWs and
Click here for more news.

Safe and Free! They are not forgotten!